# ============================================== # Policy File of /vendor/bin/mnld Executable File # ============================================== # Type Declaration # ============================================== type mnld, domain; type mnld_exec, exec_type, file_type, vendor_file_type; typeattribute mnld mlstrustedsubject; # ============================================== # Common SEPolicy Rule # ============================================== # STOPSHIP: Permissive is not allowed. CTS violation! init_daemon_domain(mnld) net_domain(mnld) # Purpose : For communicate with AGPSD by socket allow mnld agpsd_data_file:dir create_dir_perms; allow mnld agpsd_data_file:sock_file create_file_perms; allow mnld mtk_agpsd:unix_dgram_socket sendto; allow mnld sysfs_wake_lock:file rw_file_perms; # Purpose : For access NVRAM data allow mnld nvram_data_file:dir create_dir_perms; allow mnld nvram_data_file:file create_file_perms; allow mnld nvram_data_file:lnk_file r_file_perms; allow mnld nvdata_file:lnk_file r_file_perms; allow mnld nvram_device:blk_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld nvram_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld nvdata_file:dir create_dir_perms; allow mnld nvdata_file:file create_file_perms; allow mnld gsi_metadata_file:dir search; # Purpose : For access kernel device allow mnld mnld_data_file:dir rw_dir_perms; allow mnld mnld_data_file:sock_file create_file_perms; allow mnld mnld_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld stpgps_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld gps2scp_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld gps_pwr_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld mnld_data_file:file create_file_perms; allow mnld mnld_data_file:fifo_file create_file_perms; allow mnld gps_emi_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Purpose : For init process allow mnld init:udp_socket rw_socket_perms_no_ioctl; # Purpose : For RTKSDK allow mnld proc_net:file r_file_perms; allow mnld gps_data_file:sock_file create_file_perms; # Send the message to the LBS HIDL Service to forward to applications allow mnld lbs_hidl_service:unix_dgram_socket sendto; # Send the message to the merged hal Service to forward to applications allow mnld merged_hal_service:unix_dgram_socket sendto; # Purpose : For access system data allow mnld block_device:dir search; set_prop(mnld, vendor_mtk_mnld_prop) allow mnld mdlog_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld self:capability fsetid; allow mnld stpbt_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld gpsdl_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow mnld ttyGS_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Purpose : For file system operations allow mnld sdcard_type:dir create_dir_perms; allow mnld sdcard_type:file create_file_perms; allow mnld tmpfs:lnk_file create_file_perms; allow mnld mtd_device:dir search; allow mnld mnt_user_file:lnk_file r_file_perms; allow mnld mnt_user_file:dir search; allow mnld gps_data_file:dir { create_dir_perms unlink }; allow mnld gps_data_file:file create_file_perms; allow mnld gps_data_file:lnk_file r_file_perms; allow mnld storage_file:lnk_file r_file_perms; # Date : WK15.30 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for device bring up, not to block early migration/sanity allow mnld proc_lk_env:file rw_file_perms; # For HIDL, communicate mtk_hal_gnss instead of system_server allow mnld mtk_hal_gnss:unix_dgram_socket sendto; # Purpose : MPE sensor HIDL policy hwbinder_use(mnld) binder_call(mnld, system_server) allow mnld fwk_sensor_hwservice:hwservice_manager find; get_prop(mnld, hwservicemanager_prop) allow mnld debugfs_tracing:file w_file_perms; allow mnld mnt_vendor_file:dir search; #get waks_alarm timer create prop allow mnld mnld:capability2 wake_alarm; # Date : WK18.26 # Purpose : for atci gps test allow mnld atci_service:unix_dgram_socket sendto; allow mnld sysfs_boot_mode:file r_file_perms; set_prop(mnld, vendor_mtk_radio_prop) allow mnld proc_cmdline:file r_file_perms; allow mnld sysfs_dt_firmware_android:dir search; allow mnld sysfs_dt_firmware_android:file r_file_perms; allow mnld metadata_file:dir search; #for mnld get screen on/off allow mnld sysfs_leds:dir search; allow mnld sysfs_leds:file r_file_perms; #Add for /nvcfg/almanac.dat allow mnld nvcfg_file:dir w_dir_perms; allow mnld nvcfg_file:file create_file_perms;