Yuxian Xu e5092c50cd [ALPS03886572] Relabel MobileLog properties
 Relabel MobileLog properties

MTK-Commit-Id: 55ea56fb0008719e0081ff362b3f0867107aaf38

Change-Id: I5546316e039fa28b74946a54dee84fdddfefb2d1
CR-Id: ALPS03886572
Feature: Mobile Log Tool
2020-01-18 09:51:19 +08:00

59 lines
2.1 KiB

# boot_mdoe file access
allow mobile_log_d sysfs_boot:file { open read };
#proc/ access
#allow mobile_log_d proc:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_kmsg:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_cmdline:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_atf_log:dir search;
allow mobile_log_d proc_atf_log:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_gz_log:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_last_kmsg:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_bootprof:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d proc_pl_lk:file r_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d sysfs_scp:file { open write };
allow mobile_log_d sysfs_scp:dir search;
allow mobile_log_d scp_device:chr_file { read open };
allow mobile_log_d sysfs_sspm:file { open write };
allow mobile_log_d sysfs_sspm:dir search;
allow mobile_log_d sspm_device:chr_file { read open };
allow mobile_log_d logmisc_data_file:dir { relabelto create_dir_perms };
allow mobile_log_d logmisc_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d logtemp_data_file:dir { relabelto create_dir_perms };
allow mobile_log_d logtemp_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow mobile_log_d data_tmpfs_log_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow mobile_log_d data_tmpfs_log_file:file create_file_perms;
#mobile itself property
set_prop(mobile_log_d, mobile_log_prop)
#Dat: 2017/02/14
#Purpose: allow set telephony Sensitive property
set_prop(mobile_log_d, mtk_telephony_sensitive_prop)
# Date: 2016/11/11
# purpose: allow MobileLog to access aee socket
allow mobile_log_d aee_aed:unix_stream_socket connectto;
# purpose: send log to com port
allow mobile_log_d ttyGS_device:chr_file { read write ioctl open };
# purpose: allow mobile_log_d to access persist.meta.connecttype
get_prop(mobile_log_d, meta_connecttype_prop);
# purpose: allow mobile_log_d to create socket
allow mobile_log_d port:tcp_socket { name_connect name_bind };
allow mobile_log_d mobile_log_d:tcp_socket { create connect setopt bind };
allow mobile_log_d mobile_log_d:tcp_socket { bind setopt listen accept read write };
allow mobile_log_d node:tcp_socket node_bind;