[Detail] The mode of sepolicy files should be -rw-r--r--, and the type should be ASCII text with Unix/Linux format. [Solution] 1.Use chmod 0644 to change sepolicy files mode. 2.Use iconv -t ASCII and dos2unix to change sepolicy files type and format. MTK-Commit-Id: ee386fd7ca89105f70b96f6b58c5f0e372fe9a4b Change-Id: Iac13b1ea8a4546168f68a7918acdcdb0588f6630 CR-Id: ALPS04968083 Feature: [Android Default] SELinux, SEAndroid, and SE-MTK
SELinux policy for MediaTek devices
Don't recurse into the platform makefiles. We don't care about them, and we
don't want to force a reset of BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS
If you want to use these policies, add a
include device/mediatek/sepolicy/sepolicy.mk
to your device's BoardConfig. It is highly recommended that in case you have
declaration, the inclusion happens before
those lines
Repository Details
This repository uses device/mediatek/wembley-sepolicy as base till 4769fb0d973bf079934054c6c5423ca06d67010a
After that Google's device-specific changes starts.
Till 4769fb0d973bf079934054c6c5423ca06d67010a
, this repository is similar to
the basic sepolicy repository provided by MediaTek to the OEMs.