Jackie Lin 6cfb419058 [ALPS03916010] Upgrade to drm hidl 1.1
Google has upgraded drm hidl to version 1.1, need upgrade
 all config(device.mk, sepolicy, manifest) to new version.

MTK-Commit-Id: 50b87ab9d8654c2ea1bea22fa9a589fd85481324

Change-Id: I9a36ad250153bcbb446b790bae5942965409fab3
CR-Id: ALPS03916010
Feature: Google Widevine Level1
2020-01-18 09:49:47 +08:00

18 lines
613 B

type hal_drm_widevine, domain;
hal_server_domain(hal_drm_widevine, hal_drm)
type hal_drm_widevine_exec, exec_type, vendor_file_type, file_type;
allow hal_drm_widevine mediacodec:fd use;
allow hal_drm_widevine { appdomain -isolated_app }:fd use;
allow hal_drm_widevine debugfs_tracing:file write;
allow hal_drm_widevine debugfs_ion:dir search;
allow hal_drm_default hal_allocator_server:fd use;
allow hal_drm_widevine mediadrm_vendor_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow hal_drm_widevine mediadrm_vendor_data_file:file create_file_perms;