mtk12101 583196d1e8 [ALPS03982747] Add widevine sepolicy rules
Widevine provides a script in /vendor/widevine/
libwvdrmengine/ that copies
the data files from /data to /data/vendor. Some
sepolicy rules are required to enable the device
to run this script.

MTK-Commit-Id: f7aba378699fc68e4e10ed2ed2b812c1e502e66f

Change-Id: I2731ad21da180a1a5f927c5631dcc579da1dc314
CR-Id: ALPS03982747
Feature: [Android Default] SELinux, SEAndroid, and SE-MTK
2020-01-18 10:05:59 +08:00

20 lines
863 B

type move-widevine-data-sh, domain, coredomain;
type move-widevine-data-sh_exec, exec_type, file_type;
typeattribute move-widevine-data-sh data_between_core_and_vendor_violators;
allow move-widevine-data-sh shell_exec:file rx_file_perms;
allow move-widevine-data-sh toolbox_exec:file rx_file_perms;
allow move-widevine-data-sh file_contexts_file:file { read getattr open };
allow move-widevine-data-sh media_data_file:file { getattr setattr relabelfrom };
allow move-widevine-data-sh media_data_file:dir { reparent rename rmdir setattr rw_dir_perms relabelfrom };
allow move-widevine-data-sh mediadrm_vendor_data_file:dir { create_dir_perms relabelto };
# for writing files_moved so we only execute the move once
allow move-widevine-data-sh mediadrm_vendor_data_file:file { create open write getattr relabelto };